The Worst Witch – All at Sea by William P

My favourite character is Mildred the Worst witch as she is always getting into trouble for doing things wrong.  She tries really hard to be a good witch but always manages to mess up.

The Worst Witch is about Mildred trying to sneak her cat Tabby into a wizard castle while they are on a school trip to the sea because she can’t bear to leave him behind.  Unfortunately the teachers find out what she is up to and they take Tabby away from her.  The rest of the story is about Mildred trying to get her beloved Tabby back.

I would recommend this book to my friends because it is very funny and full of mystery and witches!

Star Rating 5 stars

George’s Marvellous Medicine book review by Matthew


This book is about a boy called George who doesn’t like his granny and wants to make a medicine to try and make her a better person.He makes a medicine out of anything he can find from the shed , garage, kitchen and utility room and even uses animal food and animal medicine.

I won’t say what happens in the end as it might spoil it.

I really enjoyed this book and would recommend it , I would give it 3 and a half stars out of five.

My favourite character was granny as she turned into different people as the story went on.

Jonny’s review of The Rise of a Winner Cristiano Ronaldo by Michael Part

The Rise Of A Winner Cristiano Ronaldo by Michael Part

Main Characters   Cristiano Ronaldo, Dolores, Jose Dinis, Jose Fernao, Alex Ferguson

Story Line

Cristiano Ronaldo was a little boy who came from a poor background. He lived in Madeira, an island off Portugal with his mum, dad, 2 sisters and a brother. He loved football and played all the time in the street with his friends but his dream was to play for Real Madrid. He started off his career at Sporting Lisbon at the age of 16 and played against Manchester United and their manager wanted him. He got signed and was the most expensive teenager in English football. The story ends when he has accomplished his dream and gets signed for Real Madrid.

What I would change about the book    I would not change anything about this book it was really good and I enjoyed it a lot.

What I liked about the book I liked that this is a true story about the life of Cristiano Ronaldo and that the things in the book really happened. I really enjoyed this book because it was interesting to know about a footballer’s life because I love football. I also am very interested in Ronaldo as I think he is a great player.





Alex S Reviews Diary of a Wimpy Kid and Horrid Henry and the Mega- Mean Time Machine!

1. Diary of a Wimpy Kid The Long Haul by Jeff Kinney

Favourite character: Manny Heffley. I liked Manny because he is really funny and always causes lots of trouble.

What the story is about: The Heffley’s go on a road trip and everything on their journey goes wrong.

Would I recommend the book to my friends: Yes, the book is very good and I liked reading it.  I finished the book quickly because I enjoyed it so much.

Star rating: * * * * *

​2. ​

​Horrid Henry and the Mega-Mean Time Machine by Francesca Simon

Favourite character:

​Horrid Henry I liked​ Henry because he ​has a great imagination​

.What the story is about:

​Horrid Henry builds a pretend time machine which is really a box with buttons scribbled on.  He actually only dreams about travelling in time and his adventures. 

Would I recommend the book to my friends:

​Maybe, the book ​is good but it wasn’t my favourite Horrid Henry book because it wasn’t as funny as some of the other books in the series.

Star rating: * * * * 


Marios Reviews The Twits

Main Characters – Mr and Mrs Twit
What it’s about – It’s about Mr and Mrs Twit playing tricks on each other. They have 4 monkeys that live in a cage at the end of their garden. The story tells us how the monkeys try to escape from Mr and Mrs Twit and try to play tricks on them by turning them upside down.
What I like – I liked when the monkeys tipped Mr and Mrs Twit’s living room up side down.
What could be better – I think nothing could be better because I think it’s a good book and it’s perfect the way it is.
I would recommend this book to adults and children because it is a very funny book and it makes you feel a bit sad because Mr and Mrs Twit played really rood things to each other.

Hector’s Second Review!

Hector’s book review on Tom Gates A Tiny Bit Lucky:

~ my favourite character is Tom. I liked Tom because he eats caramel wafers and plays rock music.

~ the story is about a boy who called Tom Gates, who enters a talent show with his band, the Dog Zombies.

~ the story is quite funny and a bit silly. I enjoyed reading it and would recommend it.

~ I would give it a four star rating (out of five stars).

Hector’s Review

Hector’s Book Review on Diary Of a Wimpy Kid The Third Wheel

~My favourite character is Greg Heffley. I like Greg because he plays video games and gets into trouble a lot.

~The story is about a boy called Greg and he trys to get a Valentine dance.

~I think this is a hilarious book and would recommend it.

~I would rate it five star.

Matthew’s Review

Hi, just finished reading a book called “The boy in the dress” by David Walliams.

It was about a boy who thought it was fun to wear dresses, in the beginning everyone thought he was a French pen pal and it wasn’t until an accident that he got in trouble and expelled. However, in the end even the headmaster liked to dress up in women’s clothes too, which made him a hypocrite. He also loved his friend Lisa but he couldn’t tell her his feelings. His dad and brother were very proud of him.

I liked the book and would give it 3 stars out of five as i was disappointed that it wasn’t a happy ending with his mum.

The Magic Finger by James R

Author : Roald Dahl

Book Review:

I thought this was a very good book and it is a bit funny and a bit serious.  It is about a little girl who is 8 and when she gets angry she uses her magic index finger on people who are rude and disrespectful.  She doesn’t like people who hunt wild animals and when she meets her next door neighbours who going to hunt animals she gets really angry.  She shrinks the whole family and gives them wings instead of arms.  At the end of the story the family change back after they made a promise to the ducks that they will never shoot wild animals again.

Words to describe the book: Exciting, funny, a little bit sad and a good read!

Star Rating:4.5 out of 5


James R

Hello Ben!

Dear Ben


thank you for sending us your postcard, which we received today.  It sounds like you are having a wonderful time in New Zealand.  Was the shark ride scary?  I assume you were not actually riding on the back of a shark!

Have you read any interesting books lately?  If so, we would love to hear about them.  Do keep sending us postcards as we enjoy reading about what you are doing.

We are all looking forward to seeing you upon your return.

Best wishes,

From Mrs T and all of your friends in Year 3