Hello from Mrs M!

Dear Ben,

It was a lovely surprise to receive your postcard from New Zealand and to read about your sailing trip around the Bay of Islands.

3MT have been busy this term and began by writing some New Year’s Resolutions.  They are trying very hard to remember them!  Yesterday we started a comprehension based on the book “ Treasure Island” by Robert Louis Stevenson.  So we are now thinking about islands and imagining Pirates and their buried treasure.  I hope some of your friends might write a Pirate story.

Our Science topic is going well and yesterday we borrowed the torches from the Science department and then spent the lesson in darkness discovering how to make shadows.

Luca, Lucas and Sebastian have brought in examples of money from other countries to help with our money topic in Maths.  Perhaps you could keep some different coins to let us see when you get back?


We all hope you continue to have a great time and we are looking forward to seeing you soon.


Love from 3MT and Mrs M


P.S  Timpson are getting lots of points!!



Kia Ora from Ben!

Kia Ora! (Hello in Maori) and happy new year to year 3,

Maori are the indigenous people of New Zealand. The Maori came from all over the South Pacific islands in their canoes (waka) around 600 to 1000 years ago. They travelled from as far away as Hawaii on their waka and stayed here on Aoteara (New Zealand). The name Aoteara means Long White Cloud in Maori. The Dutch explorer Abel Tasman was the first European to discover New Zealand in 1642. However the country was later mapped by Captain James Cook in 1769. Cook discovered New Zealand whilst trying to find a Southern Continent which he discovered in 1770.

Does anyone know the name of the Southern Continent that James Cook discovered in 1770?

Ben M’s Exciting Adventures

Dear Ben

We are all looking forward to hearing about your adventures on the other side of the world.  Do keep in touch and let us know what you have been doing.  I know that you are going to continue your school work.  Let us know what you are learning about and if you want to contribute to the blog we will reply!  You could write a short account of your adventures and post it on the blog for us all to read.

best wishes,


Mrs T

Practical Maths for the Holidays

Why not try some practical maths this half term?  It will be fun to do and will also help your understanding of maths.  Here are some ideas:

Help Mummy and Daddy by weighing ingredients when they are baking or cooking.  You can also measure liquids.

Take some money when you go shopping and count out the correct amount when you want to buy something.  You could also work out how much change you will be given if you don’t pay by the exact amount.

Keep an eye on the time!  Notice what time you get up in the morning, have breakfast, get dressed, go out to play, have lunch and dinner and go to bed.

New Maths Challenges

Well done to all the boys who took part in last week’s Maths Challenges.  Here are some more!

1. What is the square route of 81?

2. What name do we give all 4 sided shapes?

3. I am thinking of a number.  I double the number and add 8.  I have made 28.  What was my original number?

4. When we halve numbers we divide by 2.  When we want to find a quarter of a number we divide by 4.  What is half of 100?  What is a quarter of 100?

Here are some more!  What is half of 60?  What is a quarter of 60?  What is half of 16?  What is a quarter of 16?

Have you noticed that when we want to find a quarter of a number we can first halve it then halve it again?

5.  What is a prime number?  What is the highest prime number you can think of?

6. How many hours are there in one day?  Two days?  Three days?

7. I am thinking of a number.  I triple my number then add 12.  I have made 27.  What number was I originally thinking of?

8.  Name as many 4 sided shapes as you can.

From Mrs T

Ben’s Poem!

10 things found in a policeman’s pocket.


Ben P

  1.  A gun
  2. Handcuffs
  3. Police car
  4. Police station
  5. A whistle
  6. Money
  7. Motorbike
  8. Driving licence
  9. Glasses
  10. Notepad



Well done and New Challenge!

A huge well done to all the boys who took part in the Maths Challenge last week!  We will reveal the answers in a maths lesson this week.


New Challenge

1. How many sides does a decagon have?

2. How many sides does a cube have?  What is the difference between a cube and a cuboid?

3. A list of numbers that follow a particular pattern or rule is called a sequence.  If a rule is not given, it can usually be worked out from the first few numbers in the sequence.  The following sequence is actually quite famous!  It is named after the man who identified it.  Can you work out the next numbers in the sequence?

1,    1,    2,    3,   5,   8,   13,    ?    ?    ?     ?


4. Find the first 6 multiples of 17.

5.  How many minutes are there in one hour, a quarter of an hour, half an hour and three quarters of an hour?

6.  How many is a dozen?  How many is a score?

7.  What is the product of 15 and 8?

8.  What is the product of 25 and 9?

9.  What are the factors of 36?

10. What are the first 4 multiples of 18?

Maths Challenges!

See if you can solve these mathematical questions!

1. The product of 5 and 9

2. 8 squared

3. Continue the sequence: 2,  4,  8,  16,  32,  ?  ?  ?  ?

4. Which of the following shapes are quadrilaterals?  Rectangle, Square, Circle, Triangle

5. The first 5 multiples of 9

6. Write down all the factors of 12

7.  Continue the sequence: 1,  4,  9,  16,  25  ?  ?  ?

Did you know?  A palindrome is a number that reads the same from right to left as it does from left to right, for example, 23432, 14541, 5678765.  Can you think of your own palindrome?

Niam V’s Book Reviews

The Merchant of Venice (A Shakespeare Story)

by Andrew Mathew


Setting – This story takes place in Venice


Main Characters – 1. The first main character is Antonio he is a venetian merchant.   2. The second character is Bassino he is Antonio young friend.  3. The third character is Portia. A noblewoman from Belmont.


Summery – Antonio was speaking to Bassino but he was thinking of Portia. he was in love. Portia was the richest lady in Belmont she wanted a husband. So she told the prince of Argon and the prince of Morocco to come and meet her at her palace. Basin also turned up and they all had to chose a casket. Basin choses the right one and marries Portia.


Moral of the story – The moral of the story is to not be greedy and not everything is what it seems on the outside.


Conclusion – Shylok a moneylender and Antonio nearly die but Portia saves them.


Would you recommend this book? – Yes and it teaches you a lesson.




Romeo and Juliet (A Shakespeare Story)

by Andrew Mathew


Setting – This story takes place in Verona


Main Characters – 1. The first character is Romeo. He is son of Lord Montague   2. The second character is Juliet. She is the daughter of Lord Capulet.  3. The last character is Tybalt. He is cousin to Juliet.


Summery – In this book the Capulet and the Monague are enemy’s. But the prince of Verona wants it to stop. Romeo and Juliet fall in love. Romeo was still fighting so he gets sent away from Verona. He comes back in disgise to see Juliet. He sees Juliet in a tomb and thinks she is dead. He drinks poison. When Juliet woke up she saw Romeo dead so she kills herself.


Moral of the story – Fighting doesn’t solve the problem


Conclusion – Both of the main characters die.


Would you recommend this book? – I would defently recommend this book a friend because it teaches a lesson.




Julius Caesar (A Shakespeare Story)

by Andrew Mathew


Setting – It took place on Rome


Main Characters – 1. Julius Caesar was a Victorious Roman general and a senator.  2. Brutus was a well respected nobleman and a friend to Caesar.  3. Mark Anthony was a close friend to Caesar.


Summery – Julius Caesar was a great general everybody wanted him to be king. But Casius Brutus friend didn’t agree. He would say everyone is going to be my slave. So they killed him the last stab came from Brutus.


Moral of the story – Be nice and treat people well and don’t be a ruler be normal and you will feel special.


Conclusion – The story ended up with Caesar and Brutus dead.


Would you recommend this book? – I would because it makes you think what you should and what you shouldn’t do.




The Chocolate Touch

by Patrick Skene Catling


Setting – This story takes place in Hampstead in London


Main Characters – 1. John Midas was a avrage boy healthy and was quite nice.  2. Susan Buttercup was Johns best friend and she was kind  3. The shopkeeper was the one that gave the chocolate to John.


Summery – John finds a coin on the floor that he wants to keep but instead he bought some chocolates when he opened it there was one he ate it. The next day he realises that it is magical everything he touches and eat turns into chocolate.


Moral of the story – Don’t be greedy or something bad could happen.


Conclusion – He turns his mum into chocolate than the shopkeeper turns his mum back and the chocolate touch is dead.


Would you recommend this book? – Yes because it is suitable for 8 year old children and chocolate lovers.

by Niam V